Justice Speaks advocates for disabled people with service dogs, protecting their right to an assistance animal in all public spaces and educating the broader community about this fundamental—and life changing—civil liberty.
Cathy Burds founded Justice Speaks because eight years ago, a service dog transformed her life.
As a survivor of childhood trauma living with PTSD and a hearing disability, she felt isolated and separated from the rest of the world—it wasn’t built for people like her. That is, until Justice came into her life.
With Justice, a Bernese Mountain Dog she trained as a service animal, Cathy had the confidence and ability to live more independently, participate in new activities and events and expand her world. But it hasn’t been easy.
Many people and businesses were unaccommodating or tried to deny Cathy the right to have a service animal with her at all. She faced everything from total ignorance of what a service animal is to blatant discrimination. Cathy knew something needed to be done to help change public understanding and perception, so that people with disabilities could move freely in their communities with their life-changing service animals by their side.
In 2015, Cathy started the nonprofit Justice Speaks, and in 2020 the program expanded to focus on education. Through education, advocacy and resource connection, Cathy and her team are building a path towards a better world for disabled individuals and their service animals. Because when people like Cathy are able to participate, everyone wins.

Meet the Team

Cathy Burds

Justice Speaks envisions a world where people with service dogs can live without discrimination or barriers to their wellbeing.
Inclusiveness: We are respectful by embracing intersectionality of all individuals with their unique backgrounds.
Learning: We foster an environment of continuous learning with a growth mindset.
Guidance: We have strength in the service of others and believe whole-heartedly in human rights.
Compassion: We believe in non-judgment so that we can appreciate others’ perspectives when they are different from your own.
Integrity: We do what is right guided by honesty, accountability and sincerity.
Justice Speaks has carefully crafted and patented a Pre-K through 12th Grade curriculum with easy to follow directions for presenters, educators and students. This curriculum, titled “Your Guide for Forming and Informing Citizen Advocates for Service Animals,” is designed to create and inform the students who will be our future citizen advocates. The lesson plans outline the role of the teacher and provides engaging activities that build on and reinforce what came before. Our goal is to expose children to alternate lifestyles and special needs to help them respond with compassion and understanding when they encounter service dogs in the real world.
The future of Justice Speaks is ambitious and heading full steam ahead. Based on academic research and the advice of the Colorado Department of Education the following curricula are scheduled to be created and launched in the next few years:
- Elementary grade school levels 1st through 4th grades
- Middle School levels 5th through 8th grades
- High School levels 9th-12th grades
- Post-Secondary
- Employee Training for Businesses
Nondiscrimination Policy
Revised September 2023
Positive Impact 2 DBA Justice Speaks does not discriminate against any person or organization based on age, race, sex, color, creed, religion, national origin, native language, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ancestry, marital status, gender, veteran status, military status, political service, affiliation, or disability.